by Patti
(Omaha, NE )
I have a question. Our church would like to plan a fellowship bunco night for women and men, but we are not sure of the best way to arrange and play with a very large group of people. We anticipate between 70-100 people in attendance.
Is it possible for the entire group (tables of 4 people each) to play together as one big bunco group, or would we need to divide everyone into 'pods' of 12 people each (3 tables of 4 people) and have each pod play at their own pace?
Thank you for any help you can offer!
What a great game this is going to be! You could play this as a bunco tournament, with 12 players grouped together as a "pod."
I suppose, however, if you wanted to do this as one huge game you could. You would have a table 1, table 2, table 3...table 25..., etc. as many tables as you would need. The winners would move up to the next table at the end of each game. So at the end of each round, the winners of table 25 would move to table 24, the winners of table 24 would move up to table 23, etc. The only exception would be the winners of table 1. They have no place to move up. So the rules for table 1 would be different. At Table 1, the losers would move to the last table (whatever the highest number table is.)
You could start and end each round with the start and end of play at table 1.
Hope this helps! Wish I could come play with you in that big game!
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