New Years party

by Luke
(Ozark, Missouri)

So, you and your friends have decided to have a New Years party? Well here is some ideas that will make your party awesome.

1. Of course you'll need food. But don't just stick to chips and dip, which still have that, its classic. But get stuff like a chocolate fountain, fondue bar, ice cream buffet, and a boat load of pizza, another classic food.

2. Music is a must. But make sure you've got some decent speakers, don't blow out everyone's ear drums, but play it loud. You don't have to stick to modern music. Play some classic stuff, like a couple disco songs, classic rock, just to mix it up.

3. This is optional, but try to go out and find a few black lights so that you have a dark party room, but it also adds a cool affect.

4. Last but not least, you'll kick out the old year with a bang. Some firework stores are open for New Years. If you have one near you, buy some fireworks. Try looking for the 500 gram ground cakes, its a big display, in one package. Just set it up, light the fuse, and blow everyone away.

Now planning a party is important, but don't get too caught up with details. Just stick to the steps, and just let the rest of the party take care of its self. Trust me, it will be epic.

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