by Sarah
A fun way to play pass the parcel is to get a really nice prize that any teen would kill for, such as a makeup kit for girls. Wrap it like a present in loads of layers of newspaper or wrapping paper. For a twist, put a small toy or toffee in between each layer so everyone gets something small!
Lisa says:
Thanks for the info! Pass the Parcel is a classic fun party game. Here is info on various ways to play Pass the Parcel:
Pass the Parcel - Way to Play #1
Wrap a gift in several layers. Inside each layer is another gift. You may choose to have some layers that don't have a gift. Have all players sit in a circle. Play music, and when the music stops, whoever is holding the gift will unwrap one layer and keep whatever gift is in that layer. The music starts playing again and play continues until someone wins the big prize at the center.
Pass the Parcel - Way to Play #2
Wrap a gift in several layers. Inside each layer is another gift. You may choose to have some layers that don't have a gift. Have all players sit in a circle. Play music, and when the music stops, whoever is holding the gift gets to unwrap as many layers as they can before the music starts playing again. When the music starts, the parcel starts being passed again.
Pass the Parcel - Way to Play #3
Wrap a gift in several layers. Inside each layer is another gift, and/or a dare (write the dares on slips of paper.) You may choose to have some layers that don't have a gift. Have all players sit in a circle. Play music, and when the music stops, whoever is holding the gift will unwrap one layer and performs the dare.
Pass the Parcel - Way to Play #4
Have one gift, ball, stuffed animal, etc. It does not need to be wrapped. Before the game, write dares down on slips of paper, fold each one, and place in a bowl. Have all players sit in a circle. Play music, and when the music stops, whoever is holding the gift (or ball, or stuffed animal, or whatever is the object you are passing) will draw a slip of paper from the bowl and perform the dare.
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