by Alexandra
This party game is easy, and fun! All you need is a group of 6 (I had 8) and you split them into 2 teams. You also need a camera for each team. You give them a list of things to take photos of such as...
You in front of the rubbish bin
Climbing a tree
and they take the photos in the order they were given them.
They have the same subjects to take photos of, but one group has it the other way around, so they don't clash while taking the photos. So one group has "Climbing a tree" at the beginning and the other gruop has "Climbing a tree" at the end.
I had 20 things to take photos of, and 30 minutes to take all the photos.
At my party I had 8 people so there were groups of 4, and I made a rule that there had to be at least 3 people in each photo.
You judge it at the end and the winning group gets chocolate... and so do the losing group!
I played this at my 14th Birthday Party and it was a real hit!
Also check out my idea "Lollie Necklaces".
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